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A Tisket A Tasket | Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Children Songs

Duration: 01:06Views: 2.1KLikes: 0Date Created: Jul, 2019

Channel: Kids Rhymes

Category: Entertainment

Tags: funny songbaby songskids songskindergartenchildren funny videossongs for babieskid songloolookidsloo loothe best songs for kidschildren musictoddler songssongs for kidsfunny cartoonkids video songslooloonursery rhymescartoonloo loo kidssing-along songschildren songsbaby videosa tisket a tasketpreschoolrhymes for kids

Description: A Tisket A Tasket | Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Children Songs Lyrics : A-tisket a-tasket A green and yellow basket I wrote a letter to my love And on the way I dropped it, I dropped it, I dropped it, And on the way I dropped it. A little monkey picked it up and put it in his pocket!

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